Advent 2023: Encounter Love

Small Group Questions
Advent 2: Encounter Love

Read Zephaniah 3:17 out loud, slowly three times. 

  • After the first reading: What is a word/phrase that stood out to you most from the passage?
  • After the second reading: What feelings/emotions did you experience while the passage was read?
  • After the third reading: Write down a prayer of response to the passage (ok to share or keep private).  

It was shared in the sermon “God is always love, no matter the circumstances we face or the emotions we feel.” What helps us hold on to the truth of God’s unwavering love when we are in the midst of difficult circumstances and feelings? 

Read John 1:18. What are some examples of Jesus showing us the love/character of God in his life, interactions, etc?

In the past month, how specifically have you encountered God’s love?