BLESSED: Matt. 5:5

Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions

  • When you were a kid, who from tv/movies/etc. was your hero? What were they like? Were they, in any way, meek? 
  • How do you define/understand meekness? 
  • Other than Jesus, what Biblical figures would you consider to be meek? In what ways?
  • Share your thoughts about this quote: “The kingdom of God is an upside-down kingdom. It beckons us to gamble all, to trust radically, to come and die so that we might live – to give our lives away. Giving life away is a paradox. It’s losing so we can win. It’s giving so we can receive. It’s risking for security. It’s faith. The kingdom of God means living that tension.” -Ken Wytsma
  • How do the beatitudes support the idea of the kingdom of God being “upside-down”? (might be helpful to review Matthew 5:1-10) 
  • Read Jeremiah 17:5-9. How is the heart deceitful? 
  • Read Romans 13:14 and Colossians 3:12. Do you think putting on Christ and His meekness is more about our own efforts to seek it, or more something that God develops within us?