BLESSED: Matt. 5:8

Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions – Matthew 5:8

  1. Have you sometimes felt that growing in your faith is an unclimbable mountain or heavy burden? What do you think contributes to us developing that mindset?
  2. Read Matthew 11:28-30. In what ways have you experienced Jesus as a restful, easy, and light?
  3. Read Matthew 23:27-28. Have you seen this kind of approach in the church? In yourself? How do we counter it?
  4. The sermon addressed moving away from “self-reliance purity” and into “Spirit-reliance purity”. Purity comes from God through Christ’s saving work and the ongoing presence and ministry of the Holy Spirit. So then, what is our role? How do we live into God’s calling on our lives to be pure and holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16)?