Exodus Wk. 9
Questions for Small Group Discussion and/or Personal Reflection
Scriptures to Review: Exodus 25:8-9
– One of the main sermon points was: “The Bible, God’s word, is the story of God making a way to be with us.” How do you feel about that? What are some scriptures that support this point? (maybe do a search for the word “dwell”)
– Read Acts 7:44-50. The tabernacle and temple were important means of God dwelling with His people, but “the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands” (v.48). What are some ways that we intentionally or unintentionally limit God and try to keep him in a box? Why do we do this? How do we avoid doing this?
– It was said in the message that “We are now little tabernacles in which God’s Spirit dwells”. How do you feel about that? How does that shape/inform how we live?
– Have someone read Revelation 21:1-4 out loud twice. During the first reading have the group focus on their emotions as it is read, then share. During the second reading have the group focus on a word/phrase that stood out to them, then share.
Ongoing Discussion Point: What thoughts/questions/concerns do you have regarding Trinity disaffiliating from the UMC and joining the Global Methodist Church?