James 4:1-12

Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions

  • In what ways have you witnessed or personally experienced the brokenness that sin can cause in our: community with others, communication with God, and our covenant with God?
  • What do you think/feel when you read “he gives grace generously” (v.6)?
  • It was shared in the message: “…true repentance is often a process that takes time. This is a process. Not a quick fix. Not cheap grace.” – How do you respond to this? Agree/Disagree? Why?
  • Read James 4:9. Why is James calling for such negativity? Are things like tears, sorrow, and gloom necessary for repentance to take place?
  • How do we practically “resist the devil” (v.7) ? What can/should that look like?
  • How well (or poorly) does the Church model God’s example of giving grace generously? What are positive examples you have seen/experienced? What are negative examples you have seen/experienced?