James 4:13-17

Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions:

What did you want to be when you grew up? Did that change throughout your childhood/adolescence? What made you want to aspire to that job/role?

Read James 4:13-17 out loud. What word/phase stands out the most?

If someone were to ask you “What does it mean that Jesus is the Lord of your life?” How would you answer?….

How are the disciples good examples of surrendering our passions to God’s Lordship?

Read John 3:30. How is this lived out?

The sermon covered 4 questions for discernment: 1. Is it supported by Scripture? 2. What have you heard through prayer? 3. Where is the Holy Spirit leading? 4. Is it affirmed by the community of faith? Are any of these the MOST important? Why? In what ways can/should these questions work together?

What has been your experience with asking these questions in your own planning/decision making? Are there other questions/steps for discernment in addition to these four?


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