Philippians Wk. 1

Questions for Small Group Discussion and/or Personal Reflection
from the 8/21/22 Sermon

Scriptures to Review: Acts 16:6-40, Philippians 1:3-30


–        Everyone read silently Acts 16:6-40. Which section, verse, or word stands out to you? Share with the group.

–        At any point in your life, who has been a meaningful source of encouragement for you? How are prayer and encouragement connected?

–        Has God used a difficulty you have experienced to advance the Gospel? In what way? Have you seen this in other people’s lives?

–        Write down individually, how you understand the meaning of: “conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the Gospel”. Share your responses with the group and discuss.

–        It was shared in the sermon that “conduct yourselves” literally translated from the Greek is “be a citizen”. What comes to mind when you think of living as a citizen of the Kingdom of God?