Practicing the Way: Sabbath, Solitude, Fasting

Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions

How do you react to the statement “The practices are not a measure of spiritual maturity”? Agree/Disagree? 

Share your past and current experience with the practice of Sabbath? Is it something you are currently prioritizing? If so, how? If not, what has made keeping a Sabbath challenging? 

Discuss Jesus’ practice of solitude described in Luke 5:15-16. 

  • Jesus was God, so why did he need time in solitude to pray?
  • Would it have been better for Jesus to be more available to people and their needs instead of regularly going off alone? Why/Why Not? 
  • How have you been blessed by the practice of solitude? 

What is one word that comes to mind when you consider the practice of fasting? 

  • How have you been blessed by the practice of fasting?