Reset: Balance

Questions for Small Group Discussion and/or Personal Reflection:

–        In Genesis 1 &2, God creates and equips Adam and Eve for Labor, Relational, and Missional work. Are there other types of work that God has equipped us for outside of these three?

–        Consider some other Biblical figures (Examples: Abraham, Moses, Ruth, Peter, Paul, etc…) what were their Labor, Relational, and Missional work? How did their types of work connect or overlap?

–        Share some ways that your Labor, Relational, and Missional work overlap and affect each other. What are some ways they are separate/distinct from one another?

–        Have you ever felt called to a specific form of Missional work? Share about that.

–        How do you feel when you consider that God doesn’t NEED your work, but WANTS you to work alongside Him?

–        It was shared in the sermon, “We keep our work “good” when we approach our work as an aspect of our worship”. What do you think this means?

–        Throughout this series, are there ways you felt God calling you to balance your work with rest? Have you incorporated any changes to have a better work/rest balance?