Reset: Embracing

Questions for Small Group Discussion and/or Personal Reflection:

What do you think it means to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God? How is that lived out?

Read Acts 2:42-47. Are there aspects of the early church community that you have seen/experienced at Trinity. In what ways can/should we be more like the early church described in this passage? How can prioritizing Sabbath draw us closer together as a church family?

Read Psalm 62:1-8 out loud. Do you view the statement “my soul finds rest in God” more as a battle cry or a reminder when we are weakened? What things make you feel like a “leaning wall” or “tottering fence”?

Pastor PJ closed this series offering this definition for Sabbath: “Sabbath is ceasing and resting so we can regularly and intentionally experience more of God.” What do you think about that definition? Agree/Disagree. What might you add/change?

As our “Reset” series draws to a close, what is something specific you learned from this series? What was something that challenged you? Are there any changes you have made in your approach to Sabbath?