Spiritual Gifts: Tongues

Small Group/Personal Reflection Questions 

Speaking and Interpreting Tongues 

What is your personal experience with the gift of tongues? Either personally lived out, people you know who have this gift, or how you’ve seen it in the church? 

What questions do you have about the gift of tongues? 

What did Pastor PJ mean by asking if a biblical text is Descriptive or Prescriptive?

Read Acts 2:1-13. Do you feel this is more descriptive or prescriptive? How does that affect your perspective on the gift of tongues? 

How can/should we live out Respect and Openness comes to this gift? 

What are your thoughts on this quote from the sermon:just because a working of God is mysterious and/or unfamiliar that does not give us the green light to invalidate it.”


Our second small group check in is scheduled for Sunday, September 8 at 11:30 AM (after second service).  This should be a brief check in (approx. 30 minutes).  

Please review the following questions with your small group, select one representative that hasn’t previously attended, is able to attend the meeting, and can be ready to share the answers on your group’s behalf:



  • What’s going well?
  • What are barriers to your agreed upon plan (regular meeting, Bible study, fellowship – pillars…)
  • What needs do you have? (ex. questions via email)
  • Is your group ready to add/grow?